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Kuk Sool Won of West Oxfordshire Martial Arts Academy is licensed and registered by WKSA. Instructors are DBS checked.

To kick off 2018 with a bang we are launching the new members area where students can review the forms for their grade, download and the testing syllabus sheets and keep up to date with private club news.

All you need to do is click on the members area from the main menu and create an account. You'll need to provide:

  • Your full name
  • A username with which to login as
  • Your email address
  • Password
  • Your KSW student ID

Once you've created an account we'll promote you to the correct rank and you'll be able to explore the new members area. If you've lost your student ID, please ask next time you are in the classes.

Note: Parents creating accounts on behalf of their children, please note that you can only use an email address once. Please just register for one account. If you are feeling technical and are using a address you can use aliases. For example, if your email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. you can do something like: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - pretty clever huh?